Connecting your Google Business Profile page to your UENI website will allow us to manage your listing and update it for you. It ensures the information on your Google profile always matches that on your website. So, every time you update your opening hours, add pictures or edit your services and products on your site, these changes will also be applied to your GBP. 

Connect your GBP

To connect your existing GMB list login to your UENI Business Hub and click on the My Customers tab.

In the Google Business Profile section at the bottom, you'll see the following screen:


Now, click Give UENI access to improve your Google my Business Listing. Then, select Connect my Google account and follow the prompts provided by Google.

What happens when I connect my existing Google account?


When you've connected your Google Business Profile with your UENI website, the information on your UENI website syncs automatically with your Google Business Profile. Your website's opening hours, address, phone number and services will automatically sync to and overwrite any existing data on Google.

The only data fields that do not sync from your UENI website to your Google Business Profile are amenities, promotions and testimonials. The photos you have already on your Google Business Profile will remain but will be supplemented by any additional gallery and hero images you have included on your UENI website.

The sync is one-way from your website to your Google Business Profile. So, any changes you make on your Google Business Profile will not be reflected on your UENI website.

Please note: Changing a single field on UENI will update all fields on your Google Business Profile. For example, if you change your phone number on UENI, all fields on UENI will sync on GBP (e.g. business name, business address, services, images, email address, website URL, opening hours). As such, any changes made to your GBP page through Google Business Profile will be overwritten if you later make changes to your UENI site. 

Need a hand?
If you need any further assistance, please message our support team or get real-time help on our Live Chat!